I’ll Become a Villainess That Will Go Down in History Ch. 157

Previous |ToC| Next T/N: Today I'd like to give another huge thank you to my repeat Cookie Donor, Wilder! Thank you so much for the sweets~! ❤ "This is where the wolf appeared," Henry-Oniisama says, guiding us to the spot that the wolf was first sighted within the academy. .....I look around, but there doesn't... Continue Reading →

I’ll Become a Villainess That Will Go Down in History Ch. 156

Previous |ToC| Next T/N: Today I'd like to thank my Cookie Donors, Wilder and Sunny! Thank you so much for the sweets~! ❤ "What do you mean?" Henry-Oniisama asks, his brows knitting. "That wolf was a beast that someone purposely sent into the magic academy." " "I knew it," " Gilles and I say together.... Continue Reading →

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